...and the blogosphere reels in defeat - yet again
Bad news bloggers! Hillary won. McCain won.
This means the pulse of the internet isn't swaying the voting booth yet. The influence might not play out until the general election, but the only ones who could possibly get excited about a McCain - Hillary matchup are the diehard partisan hacks who could care less what new media thinks about it all.
Wow, what a disappointing day.
FoxNews is reporting right now even that Republicans want a more conservative candidate.
I'm not exactly sure how McCain pulled it off or how he's drawing in independent voter support. I hear people respect his honesty, but he's so pessimistic that I'd rather hear a different honest plan. I know America is in a tough spot, but he doesn't have a message of hard work and overcoming those obstacles, he seems resigned to defeat, resigned to more wars, and ready to capitulate in commerce.
Romney is trying to push the "positive" campaign, but his lines sound like tired cliches.
Huckabee of course, just won't give up. Ron Paul is hanging in, but any hopes of a brokered convention were voted out on Super Tuesday.